After 50 years of independence, is it time to review how we approach this important issue of multiculturalism? While some of the initiatives promote multicultural harmony, going forward, do we now need to encourage more open discourse - albeit in managed forums - to allow for some of the more deeply felt emotions and stereotypes to be addressed?
Talk of the next General Election (GE) being held this year has been rife. If indeed GE is called end of 2015, what do we want to see? Aside from the results, how do we want to better ensure that it is a fair and transparent election - not only in the way it is conducted but also in the way it is perceived by the electorate?
Singapore's recent success at the SEA Games - bagging 84 gold medals in total - has reignited the public's passion in following the nation's athletic achievements. Are our Malaysia FA Cup victory and the unprecedented outstanding performance at the SEA Games a clear sign that competitive sports in Singapore have come of age?
Is there a lack in consistency in the application of the various legislations pertaining to free speech, ie the Sedition Act? Why was Amos Yee charged in court while others like Jason Neo and Amy Cheong were not? What can and cannot be said in the open space?
Most of us have heard of mental health disorders, or probably know of someone who is suffering from one. Mental health disorders cover a wide range of conditions, stretch across age groups, and are among the leading causes of disability worldwide. This is the full video from debateIQ #9: "Mental Health - Are we in denial?"
This episode of debateIQ is a special focus on the first Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, where we aim to understand the rationale and motivation behind his actions and policies. In Part 1, we wanted to understand Mr Lee Kuan Yew as a person, an individual, and discuss the traits and personality that made him who he is.
In Part 2, we discussed several policies that he helped implement, as well as the reasoning and motivation behind them.
Passed in 1961 in the Singapore Parliament, the Women's Charter is a legislative act aimed at protecting and advancing women's rights in Singapore, and to promote greater gender equality. However, with the changes in our society, is the Charter still effective at accomplishing its original goals?
This is Inconvenient Questions (IQ) - Debate IQ: "Freedom to Express vs Right to Retaliate" (Part 1, full video). The Charlie Hebdo killings. The Sydney hostage crisis. The Peshawar school massacre. As leaders in the West march in solidarity for freedom of speech, are there no exceptions to this absolute freedom?