Taking this responsibility
lightly is perilous.

That’s why building mindshare, fostering trust and communicating value continue to be a direct concern of CEOs today. Effective leaders don’t super delegate. They lead from the front, and look beyond the hillocks. 

But it can be lonely at the top – which is why leaders need a sounding board too. 

A sparring partner. CEO confidante. A peer leader whose judgment and discretion you trust intrinsically, for when you might nearly miss the wood for the trees. 

Think not of a cure all, but a neutral advisor, an enabler who poses the tough but critical questions, sights your blind spots and isn’t restrained on feedback. The good, bad and the ugly. 

Our Strategic Coaching is built on peer-to-peer exchange. One to One. Practical Solutions. Discernible results.

All it takes. 4 sessions. 10 hours.
Be it facing the camera or deepening board engagement, leading through a crisis or handling succession planning. You present the challenge, we draw the insight.

Never prescriptive, always collaborative.


Customised for my needs. Interactive... I was comfortable enough to share my deepest concerns/fears that affected my communications.

Mr Lawrence Lim
Former Chief Executive Officer,
Singapore General Hospital


Viswa instills the value of meticulous preparation and rigorous analysis.

Ms Lien Siaou-Sze
Former Senior Vice President,
Hewlett Packard Asia Pacific

Photo Credit | U@Live NUS